LPレコード『創業』/Limited Vinyl "SOGYO"
¥4,400 税込
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限定生産レコード(Limited vinyl)『超重力幻想 HYPERGRAVITY VISIONS』はこちら。
ぷにぷに電機、80KIDZやKan Sanoら豪華アーティスト参加の1stアルバムが待望のアナログ化!
80KIDZ、Kan Sano、Mikeneko Homeless、Shin Sakiura、PARKGOLF、Yohji Igarashiなど豪華アーティスト陣が参加した楽曲群を含む全10曲を収録。
カバーアートは荒星輝、デザインはsoda designの柴田ユウスケが担当、環境に配慮した国産竹100%を原料とする「竹紙ジャケ」仕様です。
This is the best of Punipunidenki.
The jacket is made of "bamboo paper".
The LP is enclosed with a lyric card designed by Yusuke Shibata.
My work, which has been released digitally on the PARK label, has finally come together as this album.
I would like to thank all the artists who participated.
Mikeneko Homeless, Shin Sakiura, PARKGOLF, Yohji Igarashi, 80KIDZ, and Kan Sano.
Their wonderful arrangements magically elevated my music to a new level of excellence.
My new portrait was painted by Ara Hoshiki, a genius oil painter. (Yes, this is not a photograph!)
Yusuke Shibata, a wonderful designer who brought new inspiration to this art.
Yasu2000 mastered the scattered songs to create a cohesive sound for the album.
Ryohei Kikuchi (PARK), A&R, always fulfilled our wishes.
Please congratulate on our " SOGYO(founding)"!
1. 君はQueen
2. 透明人間・オン・ザ・ビーチ
3. Night Session
4. ラスト・サマー
5. Neon Ocean
6. Deeper
7. a drop
8. 残照
9. empties
10. ずるくない?
released Des 3, 2022All Musics & Lyrics by Punipunidenki
1.Sound produced, mixed by Mikeneko Homeless Guitar by Shin Sakiura
2.Sound produced by PARKGOLF Mixed by yasu2000 (big turtle STUDIOS)
3.Sound produced, mixed by 80KIDZ
4.Sound produced, mixed by Mikeneko Homeless
5.Sound produced, mixed by Mikeneko Homeless
6.Sound produced, mixed by Yohji Igarashi
8.Sound produced, mixed by 80KIDZ
9.Sound produced, mixed & all instruments by Shin Sakiura
10.Sound produced by Kan SanoKeyboards, programming & all other instruments by Kan Sano
Mixed by Masato Fujishiro (big turtle STUDIOS)
Kan Sano appears by the courtesy of origami PRODUCTIONS
Mastered by yasu2000 at big turtle STUDIOS
Art by Hoshiki Ara
Designed by Yusuke Shibata (soda design)
A&R : Ryohei Kikuchi (PARK/TURBO TOWN)
¥4,400 税込