CD『The Secret Of An Interlude』/Compact Disc "The Secret Of An Interlude"
for overseas buyers *This is a Compact Disc edition. *Orders placed from areas where we are unable to deliver may be cancelled. *In cases where a product is returned to us due to incorrect delivery address provided by the buyer or if the storage period has expired, we will refund the purchase price minus the shipping costs. We kindly ask for your understanding. *The delivery address must be written in English. 本作は、ぷにぷに電機が「華やかなカーニヴァルの裏に潜む物語」をテーマに、終わりなき苦悩の中で光を探すダンサーや、自分を偽りながら飛ぶ空中ブランコ乗り、破滅的な解放を望む檻の中の獣など、ダークでメルヒェンな世界観をモチーフとして制作。すべての作詞、作曲、編曲をぷにぷに電機が手がけたプライベートEPとなっている。ジャケットイラストは、ぷにぷに電機の『Alien City Roast』や『東京クリーチャーガール』を飾った諏訪さやかによるもの。 11/6(水)にApple Music、Spotify他各ストリーミングサービスほか、bandcampでも配信およびCD発売予定。 Artist: Punipunidenki Title: The Secret Of An Interlude CD Release Date: 2024.10.27 Sun Streaming Release Date: 2024.11.06 Wed Track List 1. 爪先に星屑 - Stardust on toes 2. 不実の輪 - Ring of perfidy 3. カーニヴァルと檻 - Carnival and the cage Lyrics & Music & Arrangement: Punipunidenki Illustration: suwasayaka Stream(Pre-Save, Pre-Add) https://linkco.re/67HfSA01 bandcamp https://punipunidenki.bandcamp.com/album/the-secret-of-an-interlude This work, centered on the theme of "the story hidden behind a glamorous carnival," features a dark and whimsical world produced by Punipunidenki. It portrays characters such as a dancer searching for light in endless suffering, a trapeze artist flying while deceiving themselves, and a beast in a cage longing for destructive freedom. The cover art was created by suwasayaka, known for works on Punipunidenki's previous releases such as "Alien City Roast" and "Tokyo Creature Girl."
LPレコード『超重力幻想』/Limited Vinyl "HYPERGRAVITY VISIONS"
おひとりさま何枚でもご購入いただけます。 for overseas buyers *This is a Limited Vinyl edition. *Orders placed from areas where we are unable to deliver may be cancelled. *In cases where a product is returned to us due to incorrect delivery address provided by the buyer or if the storage period has expired, we will refund the purchase price minus the shipping costs. We kindly ask for your understanding. *The delivery address must be written in English. 「宇宙戦争末期を舞台にした架空のSFゲーム『超重力幻想』のキャラクターソング集」をテーマに制作された、ぷにぷに電機の最新コンセプチュアルEPが、限定帯付き12インチレコードで登場! CD版はこちら。 https://puniden.base.shop/items/85922728 存在意義を失った英雄ランナーの軌跡をギャラクシーな高速OutRunサウンドで表現したリード曲「Star Runner」をはじめとして、情報を駆使して権力をも操作する天才ハッカーを綴った「Maze Maker」、二つの顔を持つ孤独なスナイパーを歌った「Lonely Shooter」、ミステリアスな三つ子のサイキッカーの喪失と再生を描いた「The Veils」など、宇宙の果てで運命に抗う者たち物語を、辺境の惑星・地球のミュージシャンたちがエレクトロニックミュージックで奏でる。 ・参加アーティスト 独自のシンセグルーヴを持ち代表曲「Power Ranger」で知られる北欧スウェーデンのマルチアーティストPikes、日本文化を愛しTyler, The CreatorやAnderson .Paakなど大物とのコラボやプロデュースで知られるシカゴ出身のラッパー/プロデューサーAce Hashimoto、DATSとしての活動のほかNumber_iへの楽曲提供やRolling Stone誌「Future of Music」にも選出されたMONJOE、m-floの公式リミックスをはじめbeatmania IIDXや電音部など音ゲーやキャラソンの楽曲提供を数多く手がけるKamome Sano、ODD Foot WorksへのプロデュースやZattaとしての活動の傍らソロでも注目を浴びているTaishi Satoなど、国内外の多才なアーティストが集結! カバーアートはCGデジタルアーティストとして様々なゲームやガンプラパッケージなどでも知られる上田暁、デザインは漫画の装丁やアニメのロゴなどを多数手がけるimagejack團夢見が担当する。 ぷにぷに電機がサイエンスフィクション/ゲームカルチャー/エレクトロニックミュージックを独自の視点で融合させる『超重力幻想』を体感せよ! ・ぷにぷに電機コメント スウェーデンで「Star Runner」の制作をはじめて約一年、やっとこの原点にして新境地かつ壮大な世界観を具現化することができました。私の愛するSFオタクカルチャーに、これまで音楽を通して出会ったさまざまな才能あるアーティストを巻き込んで完成させた作品群です。マニアックなテーマにもかかわらず、みなさんゴールをまっすぐに捉えて一緒に駆け抜けてくれました。この場を借りて改めてお礼申し上げます。この渾身EPの衝撃と感動を皆さんと共有できる瞬間を、今から心待ちにしています! Artist: ぷにぷに電機 / punipunidenki Title: 超重力幻想 / HYPERGRAVITY VISIONS Release Date: 2024.9.11 wed Label : Tsubame Production Publishing : Sony Music Publishing (Japan) Vinyl Distribution : TUFF BEATS Digital Distribution : ADA Japan (Warner Music Group) Streaming site EP 「超重力幻想」 : https://ppdk.lnk.to/STV punipunidenki's latest conceptual EP, "HYPERGRAVITY VISIONS” is themed around a fictional SF game set in the late stages of a space war. It features the lead track "Star Runner", which portrays the journey of a hero runner who has lost their purpose, encapsulated in a galactic high-speed OutRun vibe. Additionally, the EP includes "Maze Maker", about a genius hacker who manipulates power through information; "Lonely Shooter", depicting a lonely sniper with a dual identity; and "The Veils", drawing the loss and rebirth of mysterious triplet psychics. These tales of individuals defying fate at the edge of the universe are brought to life by musicians from the remote planet Earth through electronic music! The EP boasts a lineup of talented artists from around the globe, including the Scandinavian multi-artist Pikes, known for his unique synth grooves and the hit "Power Ranger"; Ace Hashimoto, a Chicago-born rapper/producer who loves Japanese culture and is known for collaborations and productions with big names like Tyler, The Creator and Anderson .Paak; MONJOE, recognized in Rolling Stone's "Future of Music" and known for his work with DATS and contributions to Number_i; Kamome Sano, who has extensively provided music for rhythm games and character songs, including official remixes for m-flo and tracks for beatmania IIDX and Den-On-Bu; and Taishi Sato, garnering attention for his solo work while producing for ODD Foot Works and performing as Zatta. The cover art is created by Satoshi Ueda, a CG digital artist known for his work on various game and Gunpla packages, with design by Yumi Dan of imagejack, who has handled many manga cover and anime logo designs. Experience the unique fusion of science fiction, game culture, and electronic music in "HYPERGRAVITY VISIONS," as envisioned by punipunidenki. Comment from punipunidenki "It took about a year to start producing 'Star Runner' in Sweden, but we have finally managed to materialize this grand universe that marks both a return to origins and a new frontier. This collection of works was completed by involving various talented artists I've met through music, all sharing a love for SF otaku culture. Despite the niche theme, everyone focused on the goal and sprinted together. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude once again. I eagerly await the moment when we can share the shock and emotion of this earnest EP with all of you!" 1. Star Runner - Lyrics & Music : punipunidenki, Pikes / Arrangement : Pikes 2. Maze Maker - Lyrics : punipunidenki, Ace Hashimoto / Music : punipunidenki, MONJOE, Ace Hashimoto / Arrangement : MONJOE 3. Lonely Shooter - Lyrics & Music : punipunidenki / Arrangement : Kamome Sano 4. The Veils - Lyrics & Music : punipunidenki / Arrangement : Taishi Sato
for overseas buyers *This is a Compact Disc edition. *Orders placed from areas where we are unable to deliver may be cancelled. *In cases where a product is returned to us due to incorrect delivery address provided by the buyer or if the storage period has expired, we will refund the purchase price minus the shipping costs. We kindly ask for your understanding. *The delivery address must be written in English. 「宇宙戦争末期を舞台にした架空のSFゲーム『超重力幻想』のキャラクターソング集」をテーマに制作された、ぷにぷに電機の最新コンセプチュアルEP! 存在意義を失った英雄ランナーの軌跡をギャラクシーな高速OutRunサウンドで表現したリード曲「Star Runner」をはじめとして、情報を駆使して権力をも操作する天才ハッカーを綴った「Maze Maker」、二つの顔を持つ孤独なスナイパーを歌った「Lonely Shooter」、ミステリアスな三つ子のサイキッカーの喪失と再生を描いた「The Veils」など、宇宙の果てで運命に抗う者たち物語を、辺境の惑星・地球のミュージシャンたちがエレクトロニックミュージックで奏でる。 ・参加アーティスト 独自のシンセグルーヴを持ち代表曲「Power Ranger」で知られる北欧スウェーデンのマルチアーティストPikes、日本文化を愛しTyler, The CreatorやAnderson .Paakなど大物とのコラボやプロデュースで知られるシカゴ出身のラッパー/プロデューサーAce Hashimoto、DATSとしての活動のほかNumber_iへの楽曲提供やRolling Stone誌「Future of Music」にも選出されたMONJOE、m-floの公式リミックスをはじめbeatmania IIDXや電音部など音ゲーやキャラソンの楽曲提供を数多く手がけるKamome Sano、ODD Foot WorksへのプロデュースやZattaとしての活動の傍らソロでも注目を浴びているTaishi Satoなど、国内外の多才なアーティストが集結! カバーアートはCGデジタルアーティストとして様々なゲームやガンプラパッケージなどでも知られる上田暁、デザインは漫画の装丁やアニメのロゴなどを多数手がけるimagejack團夢見が担当する。 ぷにぷに電機がサイエンスフィクション/ゲームカルチャー/エレクトロニックミュージックを独自の視点で融合させる『超重力幻想』を体感せよ! ・ぷにぷに電機コメント スウェーデンで「Star Runner」の制作をはじめて約一年、やっとこの原点にして新境地かつ壮大な世界観を具現化することができました。私の愛するSFオタクカルチャーに、これまで音楽を通して出会ったさまざまな才能あるアーティストを巻き込んで完成させた作品群です。マニアックなテーマにもかかわらず、みなさんゴールをまっすぐに捉えて一緒に駆け抜けてくれました。この場を借りて改めてお礼申し上げます。この渾身EPの衝撃と感動を皆さんと共有できる瞬間を、今から心待ちにしています! Artist: ぷにぷに電機 / punipunidenki Title: 超重力幻想 / HYPERGRAVITY VISIONS Release Date: 2024.5.1 wed Format: CD, Digital Label : Tsubame Production Publishing : Sony Music Publishing (Japan) CD Distribution : Tower Records Digital Distribution : ADA Japan (Warner Music Group) Streaming site EP 「超重力幻想」 : https://ppdk.lnk.to/STV punipunidenki's latest conceptual EP, "HYPERGRAVITY VISIONS” is themed around a fictional SF game set in the late stages of a space war. It features the lead track "Star Runner", which portrays the journey of a hero runner who has lost their purpose, encapsulated in a galactic high-speed OutRun vibe. Additionally, the EP includes "Maze Maker", about a genius hacker who manipulates power through information; "Lonely Shooter", depicting a lonely sniper with a dual identity; and "The Veils", drawing the loss and rebirth of mysterious triplet psychics. These tales of individuals defying fate at the edge of the universe are brought to life by musicians from the remote planet Earth through electronic music! The EP boasts a lineup of talented artists from around the globe, including the Scandinavian multi-artist Pikes, known for his unique synth grooves and the hit "Power Ranger"; Ace Hashimoto, a Chicago-born rapper/producer who loves Japanese culture and is known for collaborations and productions with big names like Tyler, The Creator and Anderson .Paak; MONJOE, recognized in Rolling Stone's "Future of Music" and known for his work with DATS and contributions to Number_i; Kamome Sano, who has extensively provided music for rhythm games and character songs, including official remixes for m-flo and tracks for beatmania IIDX and Den-On-Bu; and Taishi Sato, garnering attention for his solo work while producing for ODD Foot Works and performing as Zatta. The cover art is created by Satoshi Ueda, a CG digital artist known for his work on various game and Gunpla packages, with design by Yumi Dan of imagejack, who has handled many manga cover and anime logo designs. Experience the unique fusion of science fiction, game culture, and electronic music in "HYPERGRAVITY VISIONS," as envisioned by punipunidenki. Comment from punipunidenki "It took about a year to start producing 'Star Runner' in Sweden, but we have finally managed to materialize this grand universe that marks both a return to origins and a new frontier. This collection of works was completed by involving various talented artists I've met through music, all sharing a love for SF otaku culture. Despite the niche theme, everyone focused on the goal and sprinted together. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude once again. I eagerly await the moment when we can share the shock and emotion of this earnest EP with all of you!" 1. Star Runner - Lyrics & Music : punipunidenki, Pikes / Arrangement : Pikes 2. Maze Maker - Lyrics : punipunidenki, Ace Hashimoto / Music : punipunidenki, MONJOE, Ace Hashimoto / Arrangement : MONJOE 3. Lonely Shooter - Lyrics & Music : punipunidenki / Arrangement : Kamome Sano 4. The Veils - Lyrics & Music : punipunidenki / Arrangement : Taishi Sato
ぷに電ロゴ半袖T/Puniden Logo T-shirt
for overseas buyers *Orders placed from areas where we are unable to deliver may be cancelled. *In cases where a product is returned to us due to incorrect delivery address provided by the buyer or if the storage period has expired, we will refund the purchase price minus the shipping costs. We kindly ask for your understanding. *The delivery address must be written in English. シンプルな「ぷに電」ロゴTシャツ。ロゴデザインはかねこあみさんによるもの。オーガニックコットン100%(オーガニックコットンとは、3年以上化学肥料や有害な農薬を使用していない農地で栽培されたコットンのことです)。 A simple "Puniden" logo T-shirt. The logo design is by Ami Kaneko.This tee is 100% organic cotton, defined as cotton grown on fields that have not been treated with chemical fertilizers or harmful pesticides for more than three years. body : TRUSS organic cotton 100% oz:5.3 color : white / black M size : length 68cm / width 52cm L size : length 71cm / width 56cm XL size : length 74cm / width 60cm
LPレコード『創業』/Limited Vinyl "SOGYO"
for overseas buyers *This is a Limited Vinyl edition. *Orders placed from areas where we are unable to deliver may be cancelled. *In cases where a product is returned to us due to incorrect delivery address provided by the buyer or if the storage period has expired, we will refund the purchase price minus the shipping costs. We kindly ask for your understanding. *The delivery address must be written in English. 限定生産レコード(Limited vinyl)『超重力幻想 HYPERGRAVITY VISIONS』はこちら。 https://puniden.base.shop/items/90145165 ぷにぷに電機、80KIDZやKan Sanoら豪華アーティスト参加の1stアルバムが待望のアナログ化! デジタルシングル「君はQueen」「ずるくない?」をはじめとし、各配信プラットフォームのプレイリスト/チャートを賑わせているシンガー兼音楽プロデューサー・ぷにぷに電機。6月29日にリリースされたファーストアルバムにしてベストアルバム『創業』がアナログLPリリースです。 80KIDZ、Kan Sano、Mikeneko Homeless、Shin Sakiura、PARKGOLF、Yohji Igarashiなど豪華アーティスト陣が参加した楽曲群を含む全10曲を収録。 カバーアートは荒星輝、デザインはsoda designの柴田ユウスケが担当、環境に配慮した国産竹100%を原料とする「竹紙ジャケ」仕様です。 CD版はこちら。 https://puniden.base.shop/items/82285085 This is the best of Punipunidenki. The jacket is made of "bamboo paper". The LP is enclosed with a lyric card designed by Yusuke Shibata. My work, which has been released digitally on the PARK label, has finally come together as this album. I would like to thank all the artists who participated. Mikeneko Homeless, Shin Sakiura, PARKGOLF, Yohji Igarashi, 80KIDZ, and Kan Sano. Their wonderful arrangements magically elevated my music to a new level of excellence. My new portrait was painted by Ara Hoshiki, a genius oil painter. (Yes, this is not a photograph!) Yusuke Shibata, a wonderful designer who brought new inspiration to this art. Yasu2000 mastered the scattered songs to create a cohesive sound for the album. Ryohei Kikuchi (PARK), A&R, always fulfilled our wishes. Please congratulate on our " SOGYO(founding)"! 1. 君はQueen 2. 透明人間・オン・ザ・ビーチ 3. Night Session 4. ラスト・サマー 5. Neon Ocean 6. Deeper 7. a drop 8. 残照 9. empties 10. ずるくない? credits released Des 3, 2022All Musics & Lyrics by Punipunidenki 1.Sound produced, mixed by Mikeneko Homeless Guitar by Shin Sakiura 2.Sound produced by PARKGOLF Mixed by yasu2000 (big turtle STUDIOS) 3.Sound produced, mixed by 80KIDZ 4.Sound produced, mixed by Mikeneko Homeless 5.Sound produced, mixed by Mikeneko Homeless 6.Sound produced, mixed by Yohji Igarashi 8.Sound produced, mixed by 80KIDZ 9.Sound produced, mixed & all instruments by Shin Sakiura 10.Sound produced by Kan SanoKeyboards, programming & all other instruments by Kan Sano Mixed by Masato Fujishiro (big turtle STUDIOS) Kan Sano appears by the courtesy of origami PRODUCTIONS Mastered by yasu2000 at big turtle STUDIOS Art by Hoshiki Ara Designed by Yusuke Shibata (soda design) A&R : Ryohei Kikuchi (PARK/TURBO TOWN)
CD『創業』/Compact Disc "SOGYO"
for overseas buyers *This is a Compact Disc edition. *Orders placed from areas where we are unable to deliver may be cancelled. *In cases where a product is returned to us due to incorrect delivery address provided by the buyer or if the storage period has expired, we will refund the purchase price minus the shipping costs. We kindly ask for your understanding. *The delivery address must be written in English. デジタルシングル『君はQueen』『ずるくない?』をはじめとして、各配信プラットフォームのプレイリスト/チャートを賑わせている注目のシンガー兼音楽プロデューサー・ぷにぷに電機によるファーストアルバムにしてベストアルバム『創業』がフィジカルリリース! 80KIDZ、Kan Sano、Mikeneko Homeless、Shin Sakiura、PARKGOLF、Yohji Igarashiなど豪華アーティストが多数参加した楽曲群を初CD化。CRAFTROCK BREWINGとのコラボレーションクラフトビール「Night Session IPA」のテーマソングにして80KIDZとの最新コラボシングル"Night Session"を含む全10曲を収録。 J-POPを縦横無尽に拡張し越境する「耐複雑性」ミュージックカンパニー、ここに創業! This is the best of Punipunidenki. The jacket is made of "bamboo paper". The CD is enclosed with a lyric card designed by Yusuke Shibata. My work, which has been released digitally on the PARK label, has finally come together as this album. I would like to thank all the artists who participated. Mikeneko Homeless, Shin Sakiura, PARKGOLF, Yohji Igarashi, 80KIDZ, and Kan Sano. Their wonderful arrangements magically elevated my music to a new level of excellence. My new portrait was painted by Ara Hoshiki, a genius oil painter. (Yes, this is not a photograph!) Yusuke Shibata, a wonderful designer who brought new inspiration to this art. Yasu2000 mastered the scattered songs to create a cohesive sound for the album. Ryohei Kikuchi (PARK), A&R, always fulfilled our wishes. Please congratulate on our " SOGYO(founding)"! 1. 君はQueen 2. 透明人間・オン・ザ・ビーチ 3. Night Session 4. ラスト・サマー 5. Neon Ocean 6. Deeper 7. a drop 8. 残照 9. empties 10. ずるくない? credits released Des 3, 2022All Musics & Lyrics by Punipunidenki 1.Sound produced, mixed by Mikeneko Homeless Guitar by Shin Sakiura 2.Sound produced by PARKGOLF Mixed by yasu2000 (big turtle STUDIOS) 3.Sound produced, mixed by 80KIDZ 4.Sound produced, mixed by Mikeneko Homeless 5.Sound produced, mixed by Mikeneko Homeless 6.Sound produced, mixed by Yohji Igarashi 8.Sound produced, mixed by 80KIDZ 9.Sound produced, mixed & all instruments by Shin Sakiura 10.Sound produced by Kan SanoKeyboards, programming & all other instruments by Kan Sano Mixed by Masato Fujishiro (big turtle STUDIOS) Kan Sano appears by the courtesy of origami PRODUCTIONS Mastered by yasu2000 at big turtle STUDIOS Art by Hoshiki Ara Designed by Yusuke Shibata (soda design) A&R : Ryohei Kikuchi (PARK/TURBO TOWN)
CD『プラスチック・トニック』/Compact Disc "Plastic Tonic"
for overseas buyers *Orders placed from areas where we are unable to deliver may be cancelled. *In cases where a product is returned to us due to incorrect delivery address provided by the buyer or if the storage period has expired, we will refund the purchase price minus the shipping costs. We kindly ask for your understanding. *The delivery address must be written in English. 情報による感染 と変化をテーマに、4ビートやボサノバなどジャズをインスパイアした楽曲を収めたプライベートEP。すべての作詞、作曲、編曲をぷ にぷに電機が手がけている。カバーアートにはポップアーティストのF*Kaori、デザインは柴田ユウスケ(soda design)が担当。 10/29(日)大田区の東京流通センター(TRC)にて行われる音系・メディアミックス同人即売会「M3」にてCD先行頒布、同日公式サイ トにてCD販売、bandcampにてCDとデジタル版の販売を開始する。11/8(水)にApple Music、Spotify他各ストリーミングサービスに て配信予定。 https://linkco.re/P41HC1sB CD in the cool case with lyric card. artwork by F*Kaori designed by Yusuke Shibata (soda design) Track List: 1. 瀰漫 2. Withering 3. Plastic Tonic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcPK1ZzvPaA
【在庫限り・特別価格】ぷにぷに電機ロゴTシャツ/Logo T-Shirt
for overseas buyers *Orders placed from areas where we are unable to deliver may be cancelled. *In cases where a product is returned to us due to incorrect delivery address provided by the buyer or if the storage period has expired, we will refund the purchase price minus the shipping costs. We kindly ask for your understanding. *The delivery address must be written in English. *SサイズMサイズのみ、在庫限りとなります。 *S & M size only ぷにぷに電機のロゴTシャツ。ロゴデザインはかねこあみさん。 フェアトレードの流通の仕組みでつくられたオーガニックコットン100%のTシャツです。生産者に労働搾取することなく適正な支払いを保証し、人にも環境にも優しい生産プロセスで製造販売、自然環境や生物に影響をおよぼす農薬や化学物質を3年以上全く使用しない農地で有機栽培されたオーガニックコットンを使用しています。 Punipunidenki Logo T-Shirt Logo designed by Kaneko Ami 100% organic cotton T-shirts made through a fair trade distribution system. Guaranteed fair payment to producers without exploiting their labor. Manufactured and sold products using production processes that are friendly to both people and the environment. Used organic cotton grown on farms that have not used any pesticides or chemicals that affect the natural environment or living organisms for more than three years. Body : people tree Organic Fair Trade Cotton T-Shirt Country of origin : India color : white / navy S size : length 62cm / width 47cm / sleeve 20cm M size : length 67.5cm / width 50cm / sleeve 20.5cm
【在庫限り・特別価格】透明人間・オン・ザ・ビーチ Tシャツ/Inbisible on the beach T-Shirt
for overseas *Orders placed from areas where we are unable to deliver may be cancelled. *In cases where a product is returned to us due to incorrect delivery address provided by the buyer or if the storage period has expired, we will refund the purchase price minus the shipping costs. We kindly ask for your understanding. *The delivery address must be written in English. *Sサイズのみ、在庫限りとなります。 *S size only ロンドン在住のCGアーティストk a n aによる美しいカバーアートがバックプリントされた旬なビッグシルエットTシャツ。「透明人間」をイメージして、ポケット上にタイトルが白シルクスクリーンでプリントされています。ドロップショルダーがかわいい、ユニセックスでコンフォータブルな一着。 Body : United Athle Urban Label color : white S size : length 65cm / width 55cm / sleeve 21cm